Texas Instruments BA II Plus User Manual

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Use the Cash Flow worksheet to solve problems with unequal cash flows. Approved for use during Chartered Financial Analyst and GARP Financial Risk Manager exams, this Texas Instruments BA II Plus professional financial calculator follows you through school and into the professional world. Perhaps the users of ManualsCat.

Working together as a system, the BA-II, Executive Calculator Guidebook and Quick Facts for Business give you all this computational capability and much more. To solve problems with equal cash flows, use the TVM worksheet. For now, just accept the default of 1 each time.

Texas Instruments BA II Plus User Manual - The calculator displays up to 10 digits with the floating-decimal option.

In no event shall Texas Instruments be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of these materials, and the sole and... Indicator Meaning Press a key to select its second function. Press a key to select its inverse trigonometric function. For example, to access the angle unit format, press. To enter dates, use this convention: mm. After you key in the date, press... Find natural logarithm: ln 203. Overview of Calculator Operations Press. The calculator includes up to 15 levels of parentheses and up to 8 pending operations. Note: You do not have to press : for expressions ending in a series of closed parentheses. The calculator stores values to an accuracy of up to 13 digits. The Note: decimal format setting rounds the displayed value but not the unrounded, internally stored value. Store the operation and value, and then calculate. Calculate 7 Compute 45 Overview of Calculator Operations by the displayed value. Note: The calculator changes the value of the last answer whenever it calculates a value automatically or whenever you: Press! When you exit a worksheet or turn off the calculator, the calculator retains all worksheet data. Note: You can assign values to TVM variables while in a prompted worksheet, but you must return to the standard-calculator mode to calculate TVM values or clear the TVM worksheet. Function Analyzes statistics on one- or... When you access an enter-only variable, the calculator displays the variable label and ENTER press! For cash-flow problems with unequal cash flows, use the Cash Flow worksheet. The information displayed depends on which mode is selected. To compute a TVM value, press % and a TVM key in standard-calculator mode. Both next range of payments. The calculator computes the next range of payments using the same number of periods used with the previous range of payments. For example, if the previous range was 1 through 12 12 payments , pressing % updates the range to 13 through 24 12 payments. Note: After you complete the first example, you should not have to re- enter the values for loan amount and interest rate. The calculator saves the values you enter for later use. Computing Monthly Payments Set payments per year to 12. Examples: Computing Value in Savings These examples show you how to compute the future and present values of a savings account paying 0. Assuming an annual discount rate of 10%, what is the present value of the savings using an ordinary annuity and an annuity due? Cost Savings for a Present-Value Ordinary Annuity Cost Savings for a Present-Value Annuity Due in a Leasing... Return to calculator mode. Compute present value annuity due. Set all variables to defaults. Enter interest rate per cash flow period. Enter 1st cash flow. Enter 1st cash flow period. Compute present value of 1st cash flow. Recall total present value. This is a profitable investment. Note: Although variable cash flow payments are not equal unlike annuity payments , you can solve for the present value by treating the cash flows as a series of compound interest payments. Set all variables to defaults. Return to standard-calculator mode. Enter number of payments. Calculate and enter periodic interest rate. Answer: Example: Saving With Monthly Deposits Note: Accounts with payments made at the beginning of the period are referred to as annuity due accounts. How much do you need for a down payment? Set all variables to defaults. Set payments per year to 12. Return to standard-calculator mode Enter number of payments using payment multiplier. Set payments per year to 12. Set compounding periods to 4. Return to standard-calculator mode. Enter number of deposits using payment multiplier. Set all variables to defaults. Set payments per year to 12. Return to standard-calculator mode. Enter number of payments using payment multiplier. Set payments per year to 12. Return to standard-calculator mode. Enter number of payments using payment multiplier. View balance due after five years balloon payment. View interest paid after five years. To solve problems with equal cash flows, use the TVM worksheet. Deleting Cash Flows When you delete a cash flow, the calculator decreases the number of subsequent cash flows automatically. Cash Flow Worksheet C01-C24 and press!. The cash flow you specified and its frequency is deleted. Inserting Cash Flows When you insert a cash flow, the calculator increases the number of the following cash flows, up to the maximum of 24. Note: The indicator confirms that you can insert a cash flow. The the current cash-flow values. To compute the internal rate of return, press %. The calculator displays the value. When solving for , the calculator performs a series of complex, iterative calculations that can take seconds or even minutes to complete. In this case, the calculator displays iteration limit exceeded. Error 7 Example: Solving for Unequal Cash Flows... Enter initial cash flow. Enter cash flow for first year. Enter cash flows for years two through five. Enter cash flow for sixth year. Compute net present value. Computing IRR Access Compute internal rate of return. Because the cash flows are uneven, use the Cash Flow worksheet to determine the net present value of the lease. You can also use the date functions to price bonds purchased on dates other than the coupon anniversary. The calculator displays the appears. The calculator displays value. See on page 4. Note: The declining balance you enter must be a positive number. Use the straight-line depreciation method to compute the depreciation expense, remaining book value, and remaining depreciable value for the first two years. Model The calculator interprets the value as the dependent variable. Statistics Worksheet nn, the value for. The calculator determines the values for curve that best fits the data. Correlation Coefficient The calculator also determines measures the goodness of fit of the equation with the data. Generally: is to 1 or -1, the better the fit. The calculator computes and displays the results of the statistical calculations except for X' and Y' automatically when you access them. The calculator displays the value. Example: A bank offers a certificate that pays a nominal interest rate of 15% with quarterly compounding. What is the annual effective interest... The calculator displays the computed value. Example: Computing Days between Dates A loan made on September 4, 2003 defers the first payment until November 1, 2003. All Breakeven worksheet variables default to zero. The calculator displays the computed value. See Examples: Using the Memory Worksheet Access Memory worksheet Select Clear Store 95. If this number contains a fraction, raise it to the next whole number;... Additional calculations use the internal value, not the value displayed. If the eleventh digit of the result is 5 or greater, the calculator rounds the result to the next larger value for display. Replacing the battery has the same effect as resetting the calculator. Turn off the calculator and turn it over with the back facing you. Using a small Phillips screwdriver, remove the four screws from the back cover. In Case of Difficulty Use this list of possible solutions to difficulties you might encounter with the calculator to determine if you can correct a problem before having to return it for service. Difficulty The calculator computes wrong answers. During the above one 1 year warranty period, your defective product will be either repaired or replaced with a recondi- tioned model of an equivalent quality at TI's option when the product is returned, postage prepaid, to Texas Instruments Service Facility. The warranty of the repaired or replacement unit will continue for the war- ranty of the original unit or six 6 months, whichever is longer. During the above one 1 year warranty period, your defective product will be either repaired or replaced with a new or reconditioned model of an equivalent quality at TI's option when the product is returned to the original point of purchase. The repaired or replacement unit will continue for the warranty of the original unit or six 6 months, whichever is longer.
Page: 6 Overview of Calculator Operations 3 The indicators along the top of the display tell you which keys are active and offer information about the status of the calculator. Most financial calculators use Chn. The indicator clears following a computation. Generating an Amortization Schedule The Amortization worksheet uses TVM values to compute an amortization schedule either manually or automatically. Repeat texas instruments ba ii plus manual 4 through 7 for all remaining cash flows and frequencies. This time, you'll press IRR and find that the IRR is 19. If the first payment is in April, the first year has nine payment periods. Example: Computing Present Value of a Lease With Residual Value The Peach Bright Company wants to purchase a machine currently leased from your company. To compute a value, display a compute-only variable and press %. The DEC indicator appears with the selected number of decimal places. Before getting started, we need to correctly set up the calculator. An identical calculator was sold in Europe under the model type.